21 maio 2006


"The tendency to avoid problems and the emotional suffering inherent in them is the primary basis of all human mental illness."
"Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering."
Art experiences are a good way to get ourselves back in touch with our inner feelings, be it a musical composition, a picture in a gallery or in the big screen, an exercise in sensual touching or whatever else one wishes. Through them we release the feelings of past experiences and we also always can get involved in new experiences as well too. In doing this, we paint or musicalize the territories of our inner self, giving them colours, lines, shapes that enables us to be in touch again with who we really are, not just with whom we wanted to be. It's an exercise in being real again. We all have different landscapes inside ourselves, sometimes a swamp, sometimes a deep cliff, sometimes a solar beach, sometimes a waterfall... Our feelings are not strange things that get inside us for some unknown reason - they are all cast by our contacts with the real world, and denying some feelings as not legitimate for some moral reason is equal to deny the real diversity of landscapes of the world. All of them have something to teach us - we just need to let them do this to us naturally without forcing upon them some meaning of our choice, framed by our moral behavior of choosing some as "better" than others, and so leaving the real diversity of our experiences unrecognized.

Um comentário:

Maria disse...

Dudu, de onde é essa citação do Jung?

FELIZ DIA DOS NAMORADOS para o blogueiro mais fofs do mundo.... hihihi!